How To Install

Adding wallpaper adds a great feel and touch. From old house walls to your office space, wallpaper fills every gap. With the touchy and creative wallpaper, spread the positive vibes around. Despite that, getting the wallpaper doesn't get the work done. You have to take the measure to install it on your wall.

Installing the wallpaper on the walls comes with challenges and demands significant time and effort. To get the best touch for a successful wallpaper installation, you must start with keeping the wall clean, texture smooth, and dry.

Before you begin the installation, there is still something to do; it is recommended to note that the walls do not hold any particles from dust, stains, or grease. All these components can hinder wallpaper installation.

Here we focus on end-to-end installation for two different types of wallpaper.

How to Install Peel & Stick Wallpaper Murals

Peel and stick wallpaper are among today's most appealing and heartwarming wallpaper options. This allows you to enjoy witnessing the real-time dimension and mind-blowing texture that adds value to the walls. One of the best parts about this wallpaper is that you won't have to struggle or fear damaging it while installing or removing it. Let's start with some of the essential tools required for installing wallpaper and the steps to install it.

Required Tools
Spirit Level
Screw Driver
Step Ladder

Getting started with the installation process for Peel & Stick Wallpaper Murals

Let’s get going with some easy steps:

Oversee The Pattern
  • Begin the process of unfolding the wallpaper or mural. Then consider separating the panels.
  • Keep the continuity with repetition of pattern or with Mural. Assigning numbering (1,2,3) to each panel on the top section of the Mural or Wallpaper is highly recommended.
  • Each panel in use must include the white headers that show up the numbering as stated, along with the name of the wallpaper with the customer's name on it. This shows the much-needed clarity.
Clean/Prepare your walls
  • The next crucial installation step demands getting rid of any switch/socket cover. Since it all becomes the hurdle in the installation process. It will be great if you can turn off the main power.
  • Start eliminating any screws. If there are any cracks, fill the gaps.
  • Give a smooth texture to the wall by removing any spots or strains.
  • Start cleaning the walls using the Sponge with the water. You can even use special soap to clean the wall to ensure nothing is left behind. Once you are done with cleaning, let it dry for a few hours.
Assign or add a Mark to the Plumb Line.
  • For the seamless wallpaper installation process, you must ensure that the first strip is hung straight.
  • Start using the pencil to assess the width or length of strips to assign a mark to its wall. Now it is time to hold the plumb line or the central to give it a line vertically from top to bottom.
  • Following the above steps will guide you to hang the first strip straight to the point.
Hang On Wall
  • Once you finish giving a marking on the wall, now is the time to get rid of the backing paper for your first wallpaper.

    Note: Please do it at least 1 feet from the top side.

  • Next, you are required to point it toward the end of the top line of the ceiling section. Again overlap it upto 1 inch. Well, after the installation, you must crop off the extra things.
  • Your team or workers working on the wallpaper installation process are required to merge the line from top to bottom and add an edge to it with a plumb line.
  • After you are done with the aligning, move to stick the upper side of the panel and have a look at the alignment. If you feel something needs some rectification, just remove it and apply it again.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
  • Again follow the above given steps for every strip you add until you complete the installation process. Do not forget to clean the way as you pace up the installation.
  • Get rid of backing paper upto 2 feet down and utilize the felt-tipped squeegee to bring extra smoothness to the wall.
  • Be consistent and repeat the process out and down. Fix if any air bubbles shape up.
Crop off Extra Strips
  • Use the blade to remove the extra edges of the wallpaper.
  • Hold the wallpaper straight and remove the edges of the wallpaper.
  • * For both panels, use the blade or any sharp knife to remove the middle part of the overlap. While cutting, make sure you move straight toward the downward end.
  • Note: Do not try to lift the knife or take a break in between, as it can cause inconsistency in the cutting.

How to Install Traditional Wallpaper Murals

Another amazing wallpaper option available to people around is Traditional Wallpaper Murals. However, installing it can be challenging for a beginner who has never been into installation.

Despite that, you do not have to worry. With the right steps and process, you can implement the installation process easier than ever. Let’s get down to business exploring the step-by-step instructions to install your traditional wallpaper mural:

Required Tools
Spirit Level
Screw Driver
Step Ladder

Getting Started with the Installation of Traditional Wallpaper Murals

Read on to explore the steps:

Lay Out Your Mural

1. Unfold the wallpaper and divide the panels by cutting them from between the dotted lines. This is where you will find each panel on the roll in an upside-down direction. Closely access each panel and adjust them hanging on the floor beginning from drop 1. While going about the installation process, you are required to maintain the consistency of the orientation by combining the panel numbering from the top left corner for each panel. You must place the panel from left to right in hanging order.

Please note: If you are using multiple murals, it is highly suggested to roll them together.

2. Place the panel in a way to check whether the image aligns prior to installation completion.

Begin Pasting The Wallpaper

3. Everyone should remember that the first drop is put straight since it is greatly important for seamlessly installing the mural or wallpaper. Add a mark to the width or length of the wall using the pencil. After that, you are requested to get a hold of the plumb line or spirit level. So that you can assign a vertical line down.

4. Now is the time to paste the wallpaper to the wall that covers the marked numbering. You can use the Roller to paste the wallpaper conveniently to the wall. Make sure to reduce the possibility of getting bubbling.

Hang The First Drop

5. Hang the first panel using the pencil mark. Begin the process from the top and go downwards. Process carefully so that no bubbles build up. You can even begin using a smoother tool or a soft cloth to remove any bubbles forming.


  • Do not be harsh with the wallpaper while you install it.
  • Avoid stretching the material.
  • Begin the process from the top side and let the wallpaper open naturally.
  • Take the required measures to prevent scratching the printed part.

    Overlapping of the drop

    6. When you hang the multiple panels. Keep in mind to hang each panel utilizing overlapping on every lost panel. You are highly recommended to match the visual appeal with the wall and then slowly press the drop simultaneously. You need to double cut the thot seams. Do not forget to have access to a smoother tool or cloth to get rid of any bubbles forming.

    7. Make sure that no materials are pasted to the surface of the wallpaper. In case any paste or particles is attached to the print of the wallpaper, it is recommended to gently wipe it off using a clean, soft cloth.

    Note: Make sure to get rid of anything pasted at the earliest.

    Keep Repeating the process Until Finished.

    8. Now, the repeating process begins. You are required to continue following up with the above steps for each panel. Get going until the wallpaper is installed. Keep a note of going gentle and wipe away any particles attached to the print.

    9. Crop off any extra paper found at the top or bottom of each paper. You can use a sharp knife to remove the extra edges. Using a low-quality or dull knife can damage the paper .

    Let the wallpaper dry at room temperature. So make sure that there is enough ventilation facility available. If the room gets enough heat, block the r source and make sure to get rid of it for the first 24 hours of drying. This will minimize the chances of shrinkage.

    Sit back and enjoy your handiwork!

    Finally, you have a glimpse of a step-by-step process for installing different types of wallpaper. It is not as difficult as it seems. When every process is implemented step by step, you will end up installing the great wallpaper, giving the wall a great look and feel.